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Data breaches: should companies be doing more to protect our personal information?
There’s a lot of pressure on people to keep themselves and their data safe. We have to create long, strong, complex passwords with capitals, symbols and numbers, but never use that password for more than one website. We have to stay alert to the many potential risks of fraud online and in person, and behave

Let’s stop victim blaming on financial fraud
Headline Financial fraud losses across payment cards, remote banking and cheques totalled £768.8 million in 2016 alone, according to data from Financial Fraud Action UK. That’s tens of millions a day. It’s a serious and endemic problem – and it’s made worse by the shame. Headline New research from Barclays shows that a third of

Kaspersky Fraud Prevention: Evolving To Meet Changing Threats
By Ronen Shnidman Kaspersky Lab has been protecting businesses from cyber-threats for over 20 years. Kaspersky Fraud Prevention is now using that experience to help businesses protect their customers from fraud-related attacks. The company’s fraud prevention division claims a growing presence in Europe, the Middle East and Latin America. Kaspersky Fraud Prevention was recently at

Kaspersky Fraud Prevention: Evolving To Meet Changing Threats
By Ronen Shnidman Kaspersky Lab has been protecting businesses from cyber-threats for over 20 years. Kaspersky Fraud Prevention is now using that experience to help businesses protect their customers from fraud-related attacks. The company’s fraud prevention division claims a growing presence in Europe, the Middle East and Latin America. Kaspersky Fraud Prevention was recently at

Here’s how to stop SIM fraudsters from draining your bank account
If you haven’t experienced SIM swap fraud, count yourself lucky. It’s a relatively new, sophisticated form of fraud that allows hackers to gain access to bank accounts, credit card numbers, and other personal data. It’s tough to spot, and even tougher to undo the resulting damage. It’s a growing trend. According to the U.S. Fair Trade Commission, there

Hackers Leverage Flaws in SS7 to Drain Victims’ Bank Accounts
Earlier this year, hackers exploited vulnerabilities in the Signaling System No. 7 (SS7) protocols to sidestep two-factor authentication and steal funds from German victims’ bank accounts, according to Germany’s Suddeutsche Zeitung.The hackers stole bank login credentials via phishing emails that appeared to come from the victims’ banks, then leveraged flaws in SS7 to redirect the SMS

Hackers Leverage Flaws in SS7 to Drain Victims’ Bank Accounts
Earlier this year, hackers exploited vulnerabilities in the Signaling System No. 7 (SS7) protocols to sidestep two-factor authentication and steal funds from German victims’ bank accounts, according to Germany’s Suddeutsche Zeitung.The hackers stole bank login credentials via phishing emails that appeared to come from the victims’ banks, then leveraged flaws in SS7 to redirect the SMS

One in four banks struggle to identify customers online
According to the latest Financial Institutions Security Risks survey, 24 per cent of banks worldwide struggle with the identification of their customers when delivering digital and online banking services. As more than half of banks (59 per cent) anticipate growing financial losses due to fraud in the next three years, the verification of a user’s identity

One in four banks struggle to identify customers online
According to the latest Financial Institutions Security Risks survey, 24 per cent of banks worldwide struggle with the identification of their customers when delivering digital and online banking services. As more than half of banks (59 per cent) anticipate growing financial losses due to fraud in the next three years, the verification of a user’s

Banks spending three times more on cyber security
Banks and other financial institutions spend three times the amount non-financial organisations are spending on cyber security, a new report by Kaspersky Lab has shown. According to the Financial Institutions Security Risks research from Kaspersky Lab and B2B International, cyber security is a high priority for financial institutions, as they’re coming under increased pressure from the government,

Banks spending three times more on cyber security
Banks and other financial institutions spend three times the amount non-financial organisations are spending on cyber security, a new report by Kaspersky Lab has shown. According to the Financial Institutions Security Risks research from Kaspersky Lab and B2B International, cyber security is a high priority for financial institutions, as they’re coming under increased pressure from the government,

Kaspersky Fraud Prevention Cloud enables machine learning
Kaspersky Lab has released Kaspersky Fraud Prevention Cloud, a new solution for organizations facing risks from fraudulent activity via fast-growing online services. In addition to fraud prevention solutions for endpoints and mobile devices within Kaspersky Fraud Prevention platform, the new product features a set of cloud-based technologies designed to give banks, financial institutions, loyalty schemes

Kaspersky Fraud Prevention Cloud enables machine learning
Kaspersky Lab has released Kaspersky Fraud Prevention Cloud, a new solution for organizations facing risks from fraudulent activity via fast-growing online services. In addition to fraud prevention solutions for endpoints and mobile devices within Kaspersky Fraud Prevention platform, the new product features a set of cloud-based technologies designed to give banks, financial institutions, loyalty schemes
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