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Fraud Prevention in the GDPR era.
It’s hard to overestimate the importance of cybersecurity and data protection in any financial institution. In Indacoin, we always follow the “safety first” approach, and today we want to give you a little tour behind-the-scenes to learn more about fraud prevention and advanced security technologies from Claire Hatcher — Head of Business Development for Kaspersky Fraud Prevention. In

Delivery payment fraud
Scammers are taking advantage of the situation to solicit random people with e-mail messages asking them to pay a small extra amount, typically just a few bucks, to complete a delivery. The message makes it impossible to identify the parcel; the scammers are clearly counting on people to be overwhelmed or absent-minded, in a rush

Regulating cryptocurrency needn’t kill the Bitcoin buzz
There are more cryptocurrency users worldwide than people living in Canada. As of mid-2020, there were 40 million. That’s not surprising, given cryptocurrency’s many attractions, but projected market growth between 2019 and 2025 – at 50 percent – seems modest. An indication of why might be found in an October 2020 report, in which global financial services giant PwC (formerly

The most widespread Amazon scams
Anyone who has had any contact with Amazon knows that, from time to time, you may come across scammers who parasitically exploit the marketplace’s popularity. They defraud all sorts of users: sellers, buyers, regular users, and one-time visitors. Even if you’ve never logged on to Amazon (real talk, though: never?), some of these scams can

Retail cybersecurity must step up for Black Friday and Cyber Monday
Coronavirus has canceled many things, but Black Friday and Cyber Monday may be as big as ever in 2020. Only this year, it will be different. Some stores promise to end the famous Black Friday sea of bodies clambering over each other for heavily discounted items by offering, for example, no shipping fees for online purchases. And

How cybercriminals launder money stolen from banks
For some cybercriminal groups, attacks on banks and other financial institutions are like an assembly line. Many people know tracing stolen funds is usually impossible, but not everyone knows why. A joint report by BAE Systems and researchers from the payment system SWIFT details how cybercriminals launder stolen money. Money source and destination There are two bank

Financial fraud by social engineering: How humans get hacked and how business can stop it
A security system is only as strong as its weakest link. And when it comes to cyberfraud, the weakest link is all around you: People. The easiest way for a fraudster to get what they want is to manipulate someone into giving it to them. For example, using a ruse to convince someone to give

Financial services company reduces fraud losses by $3.4 million with Kaspersky Fraud Prevention
Compounding the dramatic drop in fraud losses, savings from a reduction in customer service interactions amounted to $121,074, while a further $17,571 was also generated by eliminating second tier authentication for verified customers. In addition to the monetary savings, interviewees also highly evaluated increased customer trust and constant expert assistance. The number of fraudulent cases has

The good, the bad and the ugly of biometric authentication technology
Biometrics provide a quick and reliable way to identify and authenticate people by their unique physical characteristics. But does it help fight threats like cybercrime, and what does it mean for privacy? Imagine never having to manually log in again or remember the credentials for a hundred different online accounts. Or, you turn up at

The next-gen adaptive platform making driverless cars safer
Autonomous vehicles will improve our lives, but they need cyber-protection. This technology partnership is steering the way to safer driving. Driverless vehicles could save energy, limit car accidents and improve transport infrastructure. They could, eventually, save us the time we’d typically spend concentrating at the wheel. But with great autonomy, comes great cyber-risks. Autonomous cars are

Infographic: Five vital steps to deal with a data breach
Despite everything we do to prevent them, data breaches happen to the best of us. If it happens, check you’ve done these five things. Things can be frantic when you’re dealing with a data breach. While swiftly diagnosing the problem and communicating clearly with everyone who needs to know, it’s easy to miss something that

Covid-19 has created a “perfect storm” for cybercriminals
he Covid-19 pandemic has created a “perfect storm” for scammers and hackers, with smaller businesses facing a significant threat, experts from Kaspersky have warned. The increased cyber threat created by the pandemic has been widely reported, with Action Fraud warning the public to “remain vigilant ” as £16.6m has been lost to online shopping fraud since lockdown

Nurturing innovation does more for privacy than strict regulation
We embrace new technology – despite privacy flaws – because of what it makes possible. Policymakers should work with business and encourage innovation to meet privacy challenges. Every day, privacy commentators and activists point to new technology using our private data in ways we don’t expect. It feels like innovation and privacy are in a

Gaming-related web attacks increased by more than 50% in April
Cybercriminals have been exploiting the increased popularity in video games during lockdown to launch attacks. In April, the daily number of blocked attempts to direct Kaspersky users to malicious sites that exploit the gaming theme increased by 54% when compared to January 2020. In addition, for April, the number of blocked attempts to direct users

Every 1 in 5 adults experiences cyberfraud each year
One-in-five adults who use the internet said they had experienced cyber fraud or computer misuse, according to a new report. The latest Scottish Crime and Justice Survey said most victims reported no impact on them but they changed their online behaviours as a result. The most common problem encountered was having a device infected by a virus.
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